Thursday, April 17, 2008

Video killed the radio star...

So last week myself and four hundred eighty some veterans of the War on Terror descended on Washington, D.C. to advocate for the necessity of completing the mission in Iraq. It was interesting and inspiring on a number of levels, and I was profoundly moved to be a part of that experience. I may write more on this group and it's noble aims in the future, but for the moment I want to share something a bit more selfish.

We split into groups by state so that we could speak to our specific representatives, and I had the good fortune to run across another Illinoisan, Michael Koolidge, host of the The Michael Koolidge Show. Michael has a local radio show which is syndicated on a couple of stations in the northwestern regions of our state. Long story short, this week he had me on as a guest on his program in my first (and undoubtedly last) appearance in media at large. I'd have liked an opportunity to wax political, but we spent most of our discussion time on my own experiences in the military and fighting overseas. I suppose it is equally worthy, but it is hard to resist the soapbox when given the opportunity.

Anyway, I have a follow up interview scheduled with him next week, so I'm looking forward to more of my thirty odd seconds. Certainly having a chance to discuss the positive elements of the military and our current endeavors are more appealing to me than a humiliating youtube video.

He hasn't yet posted our conversation in his audio archive, but when he does I'll be sure and put a link to it here.

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